Smart Construction solutions


Accurate job site topography could mean the difference between completing the project when you think or knowing you are on time. With drone survey technology, collecting accurate topography is safe, quick and easy. No matter where you are in your drone program, we have the expertise to help you get the most out of your equipment.

Why should you fly?

A high precision mapping drone can be 50% faster than a walking survey, and its boots never get muddy. Drone mapping helps with planning, sends data as you progress and gives you information that you can turn into efficiencies and better reporting.

  • Track your production in near real time
  • No need to shut down production during a flight
  • Precise surveillance of site progress and activity*
  • Up to 50% faster than a traditional survey*
  • Supported by Komatsu’s technology solutions experts

*when flown per manufacturer’s specifications

Features and benefits

Support you can count on

Production studies and coaching

Support before, during and after purchase to help ensure operators are making a positive impact on their operations through Komatsu-trained and experienced Smart Construction and Technology Solution Experts

My Komatsu

Designed to support your needs and help maximize the value of your equipment, this inclusive solution provides an array of insightful information about your fleet and the convenience of ordering parts, letting you manage your work site from anywhere.

Training and support

Whether it’s operator training to get the most out of your intelligent machines, or project managers supporting you on your digital transformation, we care about your success. Komatsu-certified solution experts are on the phone, online or at your job site to make sure you get the most out of your investments.

Learn more about our Smart Construction solutions

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